Tuesday, January 26, 2010

story of an hour - the film

There's a film adapted from 'Story of an Hour' made by some university students. It's an interesting experiment, and some lines are lifted directly from Chopin's story but some are edited, and some plot details changed as well.

Oh, and it's also in French.

Some things to think about:

1) Mrs. Mallard's reaction to the death in the video is very much different from her reaction in the text. What does this do to her characterisation? Do we lose an integral theme of the story?

2) What is the effect caused by the additional insert of Mrs. Mallard's girlhood flashback? Is it necessary? What effect does the text have in excluding this?

3) Is this ending in the video more effective, or is the text's ending more effective in bringing out the story's themes?

4) Film and text have very different vocabularies, and means of transmitting meaning. How does the film bring out the themes of the story in terms of its choice of images?


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